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Explore Housing the UK

Council or Registered Provider ('Housing Associations') Housing - Traditionally, council housing refers to publicly owned housing units rented to households facing financial constraints, making them unable to afford private sector rentals or homeownership. The term "council housing" arises from the involvement of district and borough councils in overseeing the management of these housing units.

Private Rented Sector - Private Rented Propeties are house avaliable to rent on the open market that are specifically owned by property owner landlords or investment firms, a signigicant preportion of these proerties are also managed through estate agencies.

Shared Ownership ('Part Buy, Part Rent') - Traditionally, council housing refers to publicly owned housing units rented to households facing financial constraints, making them unable to afford private sector rentals or homeownership. The term "council housing" arises from the involvement of district and borough councils in overseeing the management of these housing units.


Council or Registered Provider ('Housing Associations') Housing

UK Life Advice will guide you through the process of securing a council or registered provider house or flat, UK Life Advice will guide you through the application process and provide you with extensive information regarding the local authorites social allocation policy and if in your current situation you are either eligible or have priority for securing a council or registered provider property through your local authority.

Most local authorities operate Choice-based Letting schemes in accordance with Part 6 of the Housing Act 1997. However changes in the Localism Act 2011 mean that most local authorities have strict residential criteria. Local authorities usually prioritize allocation of Council or Registered Provider housing through either a banding or points based scheme giving priority to those households with either the highest band or the most points. UK Life Advice will guide you through the process and assist you with secureing the best possible solution for acquiring a council or registered provider home.

Points or increased banding is usually awarded based on your households needs that may include age, medical, support, issue with current accommodation such as overcrowding and other specifc criteria, most households without any specific needs are liekly to have priority for Council or Registered Provider Housing

For detailed information please click the link below.

Houing IconSee More Details on Council or Registered Provider Housing Information...

What UK Life Advice can do for you....

UK Life Advice guides households looking to the register for Council or Registered Provider Housing - What you are likely to find on the application, navigating the point and banding criteria and how to review or challenge any application that is subsquently made. Also if you acquire a council or registered provider how can you transfer or exchange.

To ensure you recieve the best advice, guidance and assistance. Please call UK Life Advice on +44 (020) 7187 6467 or +44 7379 409 232 or click here to book a consultation with our specialists advisors


Private Rented Sector

In London approximately 29% of households rent from Private landlords and property owners, these properties are usually managed directly by the landlord or property owner or through an estate agency. However since 2018 the numbers of properties in the private sector has shrunk which has lead to a limited supply that has driven up rents especially in London. UK Life Advice can provide advice on tenant rights within Private Rented Assured Tenancies, including landlord repair responsibilities in accordance with Section 11 of the Housing Act 1997, rental disputes and other situations connected with renting in the private market

What UK Life Advice can do for you....

UK Life Advice guides through disputes with landlords regarding disrepair issues in your home and thier landlord repair responsibilities in accordance with Section 11of the Housing Act, assists households facing with issues such as unaffordable Rent increases and what funding may be avaliable to assist in this situation and your rights in challenging the increase, dependent on your tenure.

To ensure you recieve the best advice, guidance and assistance. Please call UK Life Advice on +44 (020) 7187 6467 or +44 7379 409 232 or click here to book a consultation with our specialists advisors


Shared Ownership ('Part Buy, Part Rent')

Shared Ownership gives you the ability to be able to buy a home, if you cannot afford all of the deposit and mortgage payments for a home that meets your needs. This enables you to purchase a 25% to 80% share on the home and make rental contributions for the remaining percenatge to the registered provider. This will involve you getting agreed for a mortgage for the percentage that you intent to buy, howver you will still require a deposit generally in the region between £3,000 to £20,000.

Shared Ownership properties dependent on the area, may require you to be resident or employed within the area in question.

Most shared ownership proeties are either new builds or avaliable through resales of existing shared ownership properties

What UK Life Advice can do for you....

UK Life Advice guides through how to access the Shared Ownership Register and is it a viable option for your household

To ensure you recieve the best advice, guidance and assistance. Please call UK Life Advice on +44 (020) 7187 6467 or +44 7379 409 232 or click here to book a consultation with our specialists advisors


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